Construction Starts: A Cornerstone of the Construction Industry

The construction industry is an intricate and multifaceted sector. At its heart lies an essential concept known as ‘construction starts‘. Understanding and effectively managing construction starts is pivotal for success in the building field. In this article, we will delve into the importance of construction starts, their implications for scheduling and resource management, and critically, their interaction with building estimators.

What are ‘Construction Starts‘?

Construction starts is a term commonly used in the industry to denote the beginning of construction work on a project. The date of the construction start marks the official mobilization of equipment, materials, and human resources on the site. It is a critical data point in project planning and management as it sets the countdown for project completion.

The Role of Construction Starts in Scheduling

The start date is the launching pad for all project scheduling. It establishes the timeline for all subsequent tasks and phases, including procurement, design execution, labor, and project closeout. Effective management of construction starts is vital as delays can lead to cost overruns, disputes, and negative impact on company reputation and future business.

Resource Allocation and Construction Starts

Resource allocation is another crucial process that is significantly influenced by construction starts. Given the finite nature of resources (including workforce, equipment, and materials), a well-well-defined start date allows for optimal distribution of resources across projects, preventing over-allocation or underutilization.

Building Estimators and Construction Starts

Building estimators have a key role in the functioning of construction starts. These professionals are responsible for predicting the cost of a construction project, factoring in labor, equipment, material costs, and of course, the timeline. The projected start date is fundamental in creating accurate estimates as timing directly impacts costs. For example, a delay in start may lead to inflated labor costs due to overtime payments or increase in the cost of materials due to market fluctuations.

Construction Starts: A Measure of Economic Health

Beyond their importance within the sector, construction starts also serve as a vital macroeconomic indicator. The levels of construction activity reflect the health of the economy – a rise in construction starts usually indicates economic growth, while a decrease may point to a slowdown or recession. Additionally, this information can guide policy-making and influence investment decisions in both public and private sectors.


Understanding and managing ‘construction starts’ effectively is essential to ensure the smooth operation of any construction project. With the pivotal role that building estimators play in the process, the synergy between these two key elements can significantly influence the profitability and success of construction endeavors. Therefore, firms need to invest in experienced building estimators and project managers who can handle construction starts strategically to optimize costs, schedule, and resources.

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Swimming pools are a source of a lot of fun for you and your family members especially during the sweltering summer months. If you are a homeowner and have a large backyard, getting an above ground pool could be a great addition to your home as it takes little time to set up. However, although this is a convenient option when it comes to pools, you still need to ensure that the water as well as the structure of the pool as some regular maintenance. This will ensure that the pool is not only in place during the summer but also last for a significant number of years. Here are some considerations for an above ground swimming pools CT.

1. Caring for the pump and the filter. These are some of the most important component of swimming pools. The filter works to ensure that all debris is removed from the pools while the pump works to push water through the said filter. The pump is also essential in ensuring the water in swimming pools does not remain stagnant. Since they work in tandem, it is essential to ensure they are both in good condition.2. Get rid of dirt and algae. A common concern that owners of Swimming Pools CT have is the pool turning green. This typically occurs when algae has grown in the pool due to lack of proper circulation of the water. Ensuring that your pool is free of algae is of utmost importance. Not only does it look terrible, it could also pose a risk to the people that will be swimming in that pool. Presence of algae increases the chances of pools being infested with bacteria as they feed on the waste that the algae produce. To keep algae out of your pool, the walls and floors of Swimming Pools should be brushed regularly. In addition to this, the pool should be vacuumed at least once a week.3. Water sanitization. This is also important as it ensures that bacteria and other microorganisms are kept away frompools. Most of the popular sanitizers that you will come across will comprise of chlorine as well as bromine. However, you could also use sanitizers made up of chlorine alone. These pool sanitizers come in different forms such as tablets, sticks and more.

4. Monitor the chemistry of the pool. There are different chemical levels that should be checked on a regular basis. This will ensure that the chemistry of the swimming pool is optimum. Some of the different factors that should be tested include the pH levels of the swimming pool, the sanitizer levels of the pool, the stabilizer levels and more. It is essential that these levels are balanced as if they are too high or too low; the pool could start clouding or could turn its color.

If you would like additional information on what considerations you should have for above ground swimming pools CT or you would simply like to learn more on the maintenance of these pools visit Sabrina Pools & Spas.

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Replacing a roof can be an expense that many businesses are not in a position to undertake. A roof restoration can be a viable option in many situations. If the local building codes allow for it and the existing structure is sound, there are a number of benefits, aside from cost, to restoring rather than replacing a roof. After evaluating the general condition of the roof and making the decision to go forward, a type must be chosen and then the project can begin.

Evaluating the Existing RoofIn order to determine if a roof is a candidate for restoration, it must be free of leaks and well-maintained. No more than 6 months before the start of the project a thorough inspection by a highly skilled professional must be performed. The inspection report should identify whether the roof has adequate slope, a history of any and all leaks, the condition of the insulation and deck and the location of any water penetration. The report should also contain a comparative recommendation of solutions, including an energy audit where possible and an ROI for both options. When reviewing the recommendations and ROI, it is important to consider all of the benefits of restoration.

Benefits of Roof RestorationThere are a host of benefits to restoring a roof as compared to replacing it. Depending upon location, there -year period. Certain upgrades may increase the fire rating, thus lowering insurance rates, adding to the savings. Roof restoration takes less time and is less disruptive than a replacement. Lastly, some solutions incorporate reflective coatings, which could increase solar reflectivity and decrease cooling costs, yet another opportunity for savings.

Choosing the Right RoofNow that the roof has been deemed fit for restoration and the benefits have been discussed, it’s time to choose the restoration technology and the materials to be used for the project. Factors that will determine the technology used include, but are not limited to, roof type, surfacing type, performance requirements, number of years a facility will be in service, geographical and site conditions, facility purpose, roof top architecture, access to the roof, degree of the slope and time available for the project.

After reviewing all of these factors, one of many technologies encompassing a wide variety of material solutions ranging from asphalt to coal-tar, urethane, even acrylic, among many others. Your roofing professional can recommend the best material/technology combination for your project.

Thermo Manufacturing has been providing roofing solutions since 1948. For additional information on our innovative materials please visit

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byAlma Abell

Today, many homeowners are choosing to enhance the looks of their properties with composite decks, which are also a comparatively new product. Because of its many advantages, this type of decking is often preferred over wood.

Why a Composite Lasts Longer


Compared to a wooden deck, composite wood decks last longer. The composite that is formed is made from a combination of wood, vinyl, and recycled products. Because plastic and wood are combined, this type of deck can stand up better to the rain, wind, or sun.

According to the home improvement professionals at Jenks Fence, this type of decking was developed to resolve some of the complaints associated with wooden decks. Wooden decks need regular staining to maintain their looks and must be repaired if they splinter, crack, or develop mold. A composite deck does not require this type of maintenance or upkeep.

That is because composite wood decks simply do not develop splinters as wood does, nor do they form mold or rot. They also do not require staining or sealing annually. While a composite deck is susceptible to some stains or surface mold, these types of issues can be eliminated with a brush, a household cleaner, and water

A Barefoot-Friendly Surface

So, when you compare maintaining a composite desk with a wooden deck, there really is no comparison. A composite deck is often used near a pool too as it remains smooth. You do not have to worry about walking barefoot on the surface. Plus, this type of deck is slip-resistant and will not absorb heat as wooden decking material does.

If you want to add value to your landscape and increase the looks of your property, then you should check out composite wood decks for value and style. This is the ideal decking solution if you want to make an upgrade that is both affordable and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, you will not have to worry about replacement and ongoing maintenance. You simply cannot go wrong with this building and decking product. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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By Susanne Pacher

My first three days in Austria had already been action-packed, full of hiking excursions and culinary delights. My next adventure was going to be a full-day driving tour with my friend Gary, who had also grown up in Austria, but, like me, had emigrated to Canada more than 40 years ago.

Garys native region is Upper Styria, a mountainous and heavily wooded part of my Austrian home province. He came to pick me up in his rental car in my home town of Weiz and we drove past the rolling hills of Eastern Styria through the picturesque villages of Anger and Birkfeld. Driving further up into the mountainous country to stop at the mountain pass of Alpl from where we had a gorgeous view of the high mountain regions of Upper Styria.

On our way down from the mountain pass we drove down into the valley which hosts one of the regions most popular tourist destinations: Peter Roseggers Waldheimatschule, a rural school building that was attended by one of Austrias most famous poets of the 19th and early 20th century, Peter Rosegger. He was almost awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 and to this day remains a popular local hero.

Continuing on our way into the Mrz River Valley we turned right onto the highway that connects Upper Styria with Vienna and drove towards the Semmering, a mountain pass at the border of Styria and Lower Austria. This mountain is most famous for the Semmering Railway that was completed in 1854 and connects Gloggnitz in Lower Austria with the town of Mrzzuschlag in Styria.

The Semmering Railway is in effect the first true mountain railway in the world, and it took six years to construct it. 14 tunnels and 16 viaducts, some of them two stories high, and more than 100 curved stone bridges overcome the challenging mountain terrain, and to this day, railway enthusiasts choose to travel on this still active route. The trains have to deal with an altitude difference of 460 m and a steepness of up to 2.5%. The extreme turning radii and gradients require special locomotives that could handle the challenge. The uniqueness of this mountain railroad was recognized with a UNESCO World Heritage site designation in 1998.

The construction of the railway made the entire Semmering region a popular tourist destination. Numerous large hotels and villas were built in the second half of the 19th century, and even members of the Austro-Hungarian nobility enjoyed the healthy climate of this high-altitude spa town. Well-known Austrian artists and writers of the era also spent their vacations here.


The most stunning example illustrating the heydays of the Semmering Region is the Hotel Panhans, a historic grand hotel dating back to 1888. After an expansion in 1913, the Panhans was considered one of the largest hotels in Europe with more than 400 rooms and offered luxurious amenities to its high-calibre guests. Prior to the collapse of the Austrian monarchy in 1918, celebrity guests included writers, painters and architects such as Peter Altenberg, Gerhard Hauptmann, Oskar Kokoschka, Arthur Schnitzler and Stefan Zweig. After the first World War famous guests included the likes of Josephine Baker, Jan Kiepura, and Maria Jeritza.

Today, the region is also a popular winter sport destination. World Cup ski races are held regularly on the adjacent Hirschenkogel mountain. Bikepark Semmering is a mountain biking park and the ski lifts are available to off-road bikers from June to October. The Semmering region is enjoying strong tourism growth for both summer and winter tourism.

Having explored this historic spa town we turned around and drove back towards Mrzzuschlag. From this local district town we headed north into the Mrz River Valley, a deeply cut mountain valley, where we stopped in the village of Neuberg an der Mrz. This little town features a large Cistercian abbey from 1327. The Erzherzog-Johann-Kreuz (Archduke Johann Cross) has been adorning a rock wall above the village since the 1880s.

We continued on our drive through this remote mountain valley to the town of Mariazell, Austrias most important pilgrimage destination. Many miracles have been attributed to the Virgin of Mariazell, a carved wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary that was brought to this village in 1157. The church was later lavishly expanded in the Baroque style in 1644. Pilgrimages took place as early as in the 12th century, and today the Mariazell Basilica is visited by almost a million pilgrims every year. Pope John Paul II visited Mariazell in 1983 and a pilgrimage with 25,000 participants from the former Eastern Block countries took place in 1990 to celebrate the fall of Communism.

The pretty town has a picturesque main square that is surrounded by many historic buildings that today house a variety of restaurants and hotels. Many booths are selling religious trinkets and souvenirs. The surrounding area with the Brgeralpe mountain is a popular ski area which features one of the first cable cars ever built, dating back to 1928.

Heading further south we made our way towards the massive Hochschwab mountain, which dominates the area with its altitude of 2,277 metres. Dark clouds were now moving in on the horizon and soon the rocky limestone mountain was surrounded by an ominous dark sky. Shortly after the sluicegates of heaven opened up and we got caught in a downpour. We decided it was time for lunch and sat down on the outdoor patio of a restaurant which provided us with a great view of this Alpine peak.

Now hungry from our long excursion we had some typically Austrian meals: a Fritattensuppe (pan-cake strip soup), and a Wiener Schnitzel, the crispy breaded filet of pork that has become one of the hallmarks of Austrian cuisine. The restaurants garden featured mouflons (wild mountain sheep) and colourful ducks; this little zoo kept the tourists entertained.

After our hearty meal we continued our drive south into the mountain town of Aflenz, a popular spa town with about 1000 years of recorded history. We stopped briefly for some Austrian pastry at a local Konditorei (pastry shop) and walked into the Gothic-era church. Our drive continued further south to the town of Kapfenberg, a steel manufacturing town with a pretty city centre with a pedestrian zone.

Just above the city on a hill is the Fortress of Oberkapfenberg, a medieval castle that was first mentioned in historical records in the 12th century. The imposing thick-walled fortress underwent reconstructions in the 16th century to incorporate Renaissance architectural elements but started to fall into disrepair several hundred years ago. Finally in the 1950s the old fortress started to be rebuilt and was turned into a hotel. The fortress restaurant was opened in 1994 and today also features a predatory bird demonstration with eagles, vultures and falcons.

A local historical club uses the fortress to preserve history and knightly traditions in various performances. Annually a Witchs Night complete with a witches market, a witches fire and witches dance, clairvoyants and a fiery spectacle evokes medieval times. Various concerts, an arts and crafts market before Christmas and a Knights Festival keep the Middle Ages alive. A knights meal gives visitors a chance to experience medieval cuisine. Guests can even rent historic clothing and sit down in full medieval attire to enjoy the feast.

We were unlucky though, because on Mondays the fortresss restaurant is closed and we could not inspect this unique environment ourselves. The door to the terrace on the west hand side was open though, and we could enjoy a great view over the Mrz River Valley.

It was now getting dark and we had to make our way back to my home town. We chose to drive through the Mur Valley, one of the most important valleys in the Austrian town of Styria. Pretty towns like Pernegg or Frohnleiten are adjoining the river valley and make for popular destinations for local tourists. Other important local sites include the Drachenhhle bei Mixnitz (the Dragons Cave), a place where Paleolithic-age relics have been found. The nearby Brenschtzklamm, a steep rocky gorge featuring steep wooden ladders attached to sheer rocks, is very popular with hikers.

North of the provincial capital of Graz we turned left and drove back to my hometown and arrived just shortly before another thunderstorm started pelting the area with lemon-size hailstones. Exhausted from my full day of explorations I crashed into bed to rest up for another day of regional discoveries.

About the Author: Susanne Pacher is a Travel Journalist specializing in

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When the roof of your home fails, you are usually stuck with an expensive repair. This is because most leaking roofs normally take a little time before the water is noticeable inside the home. You can frequently avoid this problem with a little preventative maintenance and regular roofing inspections. Maintenance can include simple tasks like cleaning any debris from the roof and verifying that the sealant doesn’t show signs of deterioration. Roofing inspections are a little more detailed. Most inspections need to be handled by someone certified in Roofing in Silverdale WA. An experienced roofer can locate signs of problems that many people might miss. Even if you insist on visually checking the roof yourself, you can eliminate a lot of headache by having a professional inspect the roof every five years or so.


The most common roof repair is shingle replacement. This typically involves removing the old shingles and roofing felt and installing new product. If the roof damage involves the decking, then this is the time to fix it. Most homes built in the last forty years use some form of man made lumber on the roof. Originally, this was plywood, but more recently that has been replaced with OSB (Oriented Strand Board). Both of these products use glue to hold different pieces of wood together. When the wood gets wet it swells which breaks the bond with the resins and ruins the decking. Even a simple leak can result in damaged decking if it isn’t caught in time.

Once you know it is time to replace the roof, you have several choices in roof covering. The most common option is asphalt shingles which last between fifteen and twenty-five years. To ensure you get a long lasting replacement, you might want to opt for better Roofing in Silverdale WA such as steel roofing or fiber-cement tiles. Steel roofing is a lightweight sheet of stamped steel that can resemble several roofing options including wood shake, asphalt shingles and clay tiles. Steel roofing is generally warranted for fifty years or more. Fiber-cement is a durable tile system that is designed to last at least thirty years. One alternative to the standard asphalt is composite shingles. These are double or triple layered shingles that are shaped to give your roof a unique look. Composite shingles give your roof depth and character in a style that resembles slate.

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Traits to examine before acquiring a residence or home in Mumbai


Real estate Property in MumbaiAre you preparing to acquire residential property in mumbai

? It’s all-natural for individuals to obtain carried away by the lavish advertising and marketing claims of realty programmers. Designers have the tendency to explode the cost by marketing auxiliary facilities such as strolling area, park, Gymnasium, health club etc even while the project is incomplete. Additionally there are lots of uncertainties in marketing the flooring space area. Ultimately it depends on the buyer to decide which job fits his bag. With realty rates increasing in significant cities such as Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Ahmadabad, Bengaluru etc, one should recognize the numerous expenses and dangers involved in getting building. Today, a 2BHK flat costs around Rs 45- 60 lakhs in the majority of metropolitan areas while a 3BHK costs flat or independent vacation home might touch Rs 1 crore or surpass it.


Papers to examine before buying a level or House: Below are the crucial files one should check before acquiring a house or apartment or condo1. Master plan: Usually builders make elegant cases regarding future infrastructural advancement of the location such as Highway, bridges, Special financial zone etc. Many individuals fall target to such claims as well as purchase such property believing that they will appreciate considerably in future. Verify the master plan of the location initially before acquiring a residence or house. These plans are offered with the town planning department of the worried area2. Look for approval: Numerous developers start marketing their task while it’s unfinished. Nonetheless, they might not have obtained required authorization from regulatory authorities. Environmental and metropolitan clearances are required. The home builder should possess NOC (No objection certificate) from all related authorities viz, ecological, power, water etc. Such unapproved jobs would certainly be thought about prohibited. In a similar way, ground floor must be reserved for parking area. The builder has to not use this room for other purposes.3. Check Blue print as well as last building and construction plan: Commonly building contractors will certainly market lots of added attributes like Pool, mall etc in the Plan as well as charge for the same, but the last plan may not contain the above. Builders may consist of a provision in the agreement which specify that they reserve the right to alter the attributes. Thus, make certain that the guaranteed features are consisted of and make sure that there is a stipulation of Penalty in case of non-fulfillmentNormally the accepted building plan needs to be mandatorily displayed at the building and construction website by the home builder4. Undistracted share (UDS): Examine if the home builder has the authority to move the undivided share (UDS) of land per flat owner. You have to additionally make certain that the builder does not schedule any precisely any section of the apartment or condo that belongs to you. Often, the contractor might reserve a portion of the house for verandas as well as balconies5. Surcharges: Designers will bill a premium for added facilities. Typically, these will certainly not emerge in the last strategy. If the developer has actually consisted of costs for any kind of function that is not given, do not spend for the very sameIndependent Home: While getting an independent home in mumbai

, see to it that the vendor has the property as well as possesses all essential initial papers. A clear title alone is not enough to confirm possession. You need to examine past possession to rule out any type of fraud. In case of joint ownership, consent from all proprietors is essential. A Good way to inspect correct ownership is to undergo the house contract. There must be no lawsuits on the home. Ensure that all costs viz, electricity, water, property tax etc are paid in the name of the lawful owner. In a similar way, make sure that there are no pending bills.

It’s prohibited to market a building which is still under home mortgage. In such situations, the original documents will certainly be held by the lending institution or financial institution If the vendor firmly insists that he or she has actually repaid the financial debt, ask him/her to show the discharge letter from the bank.

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By Richard Kuhns

My first visit with the client, Jane, with whom I developed this technique that demonstrated 80% success rate, left my office with a full blown anxiety attack–not a good start. I thought Id never see her again and hoped I wouldnt hear from her attorney in the form of a law suit. Actually as apologetic and embarrassed as she was, a law suit was a very remote possibility. But I wonder how many clients in similar situations might not be considering law suits against clinicians using inward focusing techniques that can bring on panic attacks. Then again, their personality is not that of a trouble maker and as long as they continue suffering from anxiety, they would never allow themselves to be in a court room for fear of having an anxiety attack and having to run away or lose control.

Inward focus techniques are generally what most professionals use–it’s having the client focus on relaxing one’s breadth, muscles, thoughts… to learn relaxation. However, in reality, it’s these type of techniques that contribute to anxiety attacks.

Within a few days, Jane did call again. She was too fearful to come to the officeshe blamed her anxiety attack on my small 12X12 treatment room which is more than three times the size of most treatment rooms. She asked if Id consider in-home sessions. Reluctantly I agreed.

A few days later I arrived at her home with an Galvanic Response (GSR) biofeedback instrument in hand. I didnt want a repeat of our first meeting so I avoided using any relaxation exercises that used inward focus. I took more time to get to know Jane. I got the feeling that she could talk for hours about her symptoms, but I wanted to know more about what stressors led to the beginning of the anxiety attacks. According to the Homes-Rahe Stress Scale, Id be looking for some rather significant life changes six months to a year before the onset of symptoms.

Yes, her panic and anxiety started about six months after she and her family moved back to NJ from the Florida Keys. Ah ha, I thought to my self although I didnt know what to do with this information at the moment. I learned that she was unhappy living in Florida. She had no close friends and she missed the camaraderie of her sisters and mother back in NJ.


It was so much of a problem that eventually she convinced her husband to change jobs and move back to NJ with her teen age son in expectation of life being the way it used to be. But much to her disappointment, her sisters were married with other interests and the relationship with her mother was differentthe camaraderie she remembered was gone. The result was that she was no happier in NJ with her family than she was in the Florida Keys.

To me it seem obvious that she’d want to run away from this whole disappointing mess. How could she explain to her husband the move was for naught? And her teen age son was getting into some trouble with drugsanother disappointment for which she was unprepared.

I explained my take on her plight by asking her, OK, you were unhappy in Florida, convinced your husband to uproot the family, change jobs, and move back to NJ so youd be happy with your family only to find that your relationships with your sisters and mother has changed and that your son was getting into trouble. Wouldnt you just like to run away from this whole embarrassing mess? She acknowledged that shed like to escape the whole entire mess, but it’s not her nature.

I explained that her brain was simply taking action on that desire. I explained the fight/flight reaction to stresshow when we feel threatened the unconscious intelligence gets us ready to fight or runeven a threat to our egos, family status–and that since she is not a fighter (personality wise), theres plenty reason to unconsciously want to run away. But being a responsible person, she would never allow her self to run away.

OK, then we talked about diet and how certain foods can trigger anxietysweets, refined carbohydrates, caffeinated beverages

All this was nice, but she still had trouble understanding how she was ever going to gain control of anxiety since it just happens out of the blue.

Essentially, this is the first stepeducating the conscious mind. I left her home without ever using the biofeedback instrument and focused on the challenge of making a difference in her lifehow to shift her from the conditioned response of anxiety.

First it was apparent to me that the panic anxiety label her primary doctor gave her was in the absence of understanding much about her background. She came to a conclusion that she had a problem and no one knew how to cure itcertainly took her mind off her real problems in lifeanxiety was an escape.

In summary, personality factors of being highly responsible led Jane to want to escape the seemingly impossible situation in which she placed her family–a move for naught. Add to that hi-sugar eating habits, a suggestion she gave herself re another family member having had anxiety attacks, and the fight/flight wanting her to escape her family status, and voila, she created agoraphobia and anxiety panic attacks. See the resource box for more information on how to overcome panic and anxiety.

About the Author: Richard Kuhns B.S. Ch. E., NGH certified, gives you the keys to conquering anxiety panic attack. Author of best selling stress management hypnosis cds at




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Submitted by: Andrew Stratton

What could be better than hanging out a brand new deck grilling and entertaining friends and family this summer? Not much. Adding a deck to the backyard is a great way to spruce up the house and provide entertaining space. The best part is that building a deck is a do-it-yourself project as long as you have the proper power tools.

Here are some of the basic pieces you can easily rent at your local equipment rental store to build a beautiful deck your family and friends can enjoy this summer and year round:

1. Miter Saw – This is the most important power tool to have in your deck-building arsenal. Building a deck is much more than throwing down some planks, it is a precise business. The miter saw makes sure that your cuts and angles are precise for a perfect fit. It also gives you the freedom to build your deck in a patterned design instead of just vertical or horizontal planks. Cutting angles in the planks with a miter saw allows you to do this with ease.


2. Circular Saw – Need to trim the ends of the planks after you’ve screwed them down? A circular saw is easy to simply run down the length of the deck, making the necessary cuts.

3. Sander – Unless you are using composite materials, you will definitely need a reliable and strong orbital sander to make sure the planks and railings are smooth and splinter-free. For composite materials, you will still want to sand the ends of the planks if you’ve had to cut them.

4. Reciprocating Saw – This is also called a sawzall. It is a long thin saw that can reach into those difficult to reach places. It is especially important for making those cuts where your circular saw won’t reach like under the decking.

5. Router – This power tool is great for putting the finishing touches on your deck. Using a router, you can add some scroll work or other decorative touches to your railings or curve the ends of the planks. It allows you to spice up the design and give it your personal touch.

6. Drill – A sturdy reliable power drill is essential to driving the hundreds of screws that secure the planks to the frame. Your drill will need a lot of torque to get the long decking screws through the planks and into the frame.

7. Auger – Yes, you can use a manual hole digger for the anchors. But, if your ground is too hard or you just want to make it easier, an auger can make faster work of the holes.

You can easily rent tools to get your project done. When working outside with these power tools, always use precaution. Wear your safety glasses and keep track of where the power cords are so you don’t cut them. Make sure they aren’t anywhere near standing water too.

Use the right power tools and you can have a brand new deck in not time. Oh, it also makes a great opportunity for some guy-bonding time so solicit help from your buddies to make the work go by faster and make it more fun!

About the Author: Looking for the right tools to build that beautiful deck for your family this summer? The equipment rental New Orleans store gives you a wide array of power tools at your disposal. Surf through the catalogs here


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