Pee Pee Pads – A Vital Tool for House Training

Training a new puppy or even managing an older pet dog’s hygiene can be a difficult task. This is where ‘pee pee pads‘ come into the picture. Also known as potty pads, pee pads, or doggy mats, pee pee pads are a useful tool that can make your pet’s toilet routine less stressful. Now, let’s delve into the key benefits and guidelines on how to properly use pee pee pads.

Benefits of Pee Pee Pads

The primary advantage of pee pee pads is convenience. They allow your pet to relieve itself inside when they are unable to go outside. This is particularly beneficial in situations such as harsh weather conditions, if your pet is not feeling well or in the case of puppies who have not yet been vaccinated.

For puppies, pee pee pads can be a temporary solution until vaccinations are completed and they can be introduced to outdoor parks. Furthermore, pee pee pads are quite useful when you’re home late from work, or when a pet is not allowed outdoors due to illness or recovery from surgery.

The pads are also beneficial to pet owners living in apartments or homes without a yard. Pee pee pads help protect your floors from spillage or urine stains. They benefit dog owners by saving time that would have been spent on cleaning.

Choosing and Using the Right Pee Pee Pad

It is essential to choose the right pee pee pad for your dog. The best pee pee pads are leak-proof, super absorbent and come scented to attract pets. Besides, they should be of the right size, catering to your dog’s needs.

While using a pee pee pad, consistency is key. Always place the pee pee pad in the same location. This will help train your dog to recognize that this specific spot is where they should relieve themselves. Praising your pet when they successfully use the pad can encourage this good behavior

A reliable source for getting your very own top-grade pee pee pads is the ‘Doggy and the City Site‘. They offer a wide range of varieties which cater to the different needs of your pet.

Transitioning from Pee Pee Pads to Outdoors

Although pee pee pads are extremely useful, the ultimate goal should be to train your pet to relieve themselves outdoors. Gradually moving the pee pee pad closer to the door and eventually outside can help in this transition. While doing so, maintaining consistency in feeding times can regulate your pet’s toilet schedule.

Patience is crucial in this transition process. Remember, each pet is different and might take its own time to adapt to this change.


In conclusion, pee pee pads are an indispensable tool while house training your pet or managing the pet’s hygiene. It relieves you from constant worry about pet toilet etiquette and saves your time which would be otherwise spent on cleaning. However, it should be duly noted that it is a temporary solution and the end goal should always be to train your pet to go outdoors.

Posted in Dogs

Submitted by: Chad Barbella

Is without question your incredible pet pooch giving entry into the world for only the first time? Is the doggie likely to deliver birth and labor for only the very 1st time? Should this method be your lovable dog’s initial entry into the world? Mainly, family dog puppy owners are usually unknowing in regard to how to serve ones own family dogs within the delivery event. They’re just uninformed on what guidelines and best practices to consider that’s why it leads to ignorant trouble not to mention fearfulness. A good doggy delivery would be supervised practically 100 % by the four-legged friend itself, you simply need to try to be there to be ready in addition to comfort. It is the way family dogs happen to be. There is without a doubt zero reason to be worried, actually attempt to stay relaxed as well as stick to all of these several relatively easy activities.

For those who are more of a visual woman or man, I will provide you with dog birth video to present you with even more arrangement. Given that most men and women doing their very own pet dog s dog-birth with regard to the first occasion possibly will wander off to any a lot of stress, this pooch life video could very well be viewed here in reference to the genuine things that should show up. Please consider the valuable experience throughout the video clip with your very own furry friend’s dog-birth encounter for internal comfort level. Certainly there is definitely no need to dread provided that the pet pooch will be not actually going through whatever other problems which could be witout a doubt paid by your primary vet’s when you go ahead and take expecting a puppy canine to the pet clinic soon after the immediate symptoms of conceived state.

Principal problems pertaining to concepted state

Some foremost pregnancy problems really are not being active, all round shift linked to demeanor as well as, appetite. That should not become too difficult to find for someone who is generally loving with his or her pet doggy. You can check with respect to nipple area growth to have a more informed thought. Subsequent to the 1st time birthing weeks, your doggie will begin to get fat together with some of the midsection can be a little bigger around when the actual pet dogs physical body gets ready for the purpose of maternity.


Is without question a pet pooch wanting to have puppies?

Capturing a anus heat range reading should easily reveal when the furry friend is usually happy to begin dog birth or otherwise. A great spectrum related with one-hundred one to one-hundred two degree is without question routine. Almost any decline in the high heat (taken from time to time multiple times) will make sure all the dog birth can happen within the next twelve to twenty-four hr. roughly.

Producing your incredible pet pooch’s dog’s nest

It is generally any paramount detail as the pet doggie needs an actual and comfortable together with warm ambiance to deliver her her newborn puppies. She will require a fresh new dog birthing nest utilizing completely clean bathroom towels or perhaps an good old mattress with some room. This dog-birthing nest turns into a recurring atmosphere in which the mother can breastfeed your pregnant dog’s newborn litter.

Straight to birth

Given that she has a fabulous plus ample dog-birthing nest to have directly into, your dog’s contractions will begin when she commences labor. The vulva can easily release a green-colored liquid which is really pretty ordinary. The puppy dogs will shortly start to thrust outwards. Your lovable dog must have her room or space through the process. You shouldn’t interfere if your favorite canine friend’s dog-birth seems just like the training video provided in this posting. Your dog’s umbilical-cord will undoubtedly be removed by way of the mom. This is really all part of your family pet dog’s natural delivery event.

When to get involved?

Everything mentioned earlier on is the entire process of the traditional, healthy and balanced pregnant state. You’ve done your behalf by just starting your dog’s nest plus allowing your loving family dog sufficient room or space but also in case any of the following happens, you may want to successfully get in the way and even come to your own doggie’s aid:

If the young canine gets jammed you may help out by using your uncovered palms to be able to gently pull your brand new k9 out.

If, perhaps natal emission hangs there for far too long after the dog birth, swiftly call your family animal doctor.

Listed below is always a fabulous tip that you may take. To maintain bugs coupled with harmful bacteria away, clean up the dog birth nesting place constantly.

About the Author: Hello, I’m a product specialist 22 years who writes about merchandise that benefit the home-owner and fosters considerably better remedies for home living.Greetings, I am a product article writer 40 yrs old who researches things that assist the household owner and produces improved remedies for home living. Today I’m studying


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Posted in Dogs

Submitted by: Clayton James

If you have the proper crate combined with constant supervision and lots of patience you can housebreak your Beagle in a week. You need to make sure that somebody is at home with him/her during that week. Beagles are creatures of habit; that means that it is important to keep to a schedule. It works best if the entire family is involved.

Young Beagle puppies can’t physically control their bodily functions like a grown up can. Even after your housebreaking appears to be successful it’s important to keep in mind that not many four month old Beagles can go for 8 to 10 hours without a “potty break”. Making your young Beagle go for more than a few hours without that break is poor training on your part.

Effective house training of a beagle begins with a crate and you should purchase one and have it available immediately when you bring your new puppy home. Beagles, like all dogs, are den type animals and that’s the key to crate training. The crate will become your dog’s den and he will naturally avoid urinating and defecating there. The crate should be small enough that the puppy will only have room for a “nest”. Rather than purchasing a small crate a better strategy is to buy one large enough for when your Beagle is an adult and partition it off. As the puppy grows you can increase the size of the partitioned area.

Here are some housebreaking tips.

1. Don’t leave food out for your puppy all day. Only feed him in the morning and in the evening. He will normally need to relieve himself within minutes of eating. As soon as he eats, take him outside and when he relieves himself, praise him. Take him inside and place him in his crate with some toys.


2. While housebreaking always keep your puppy on a leash while outside so that you can better keep track of his activities. This will also be a good bonding time for you.

3. Besides taking your puppy out after his meals you should also take him out on regular intervals. On the first two days of your new Beagle’s stay take him out to do his business every hour. On day three increase the frequency to 90 minutes; on day four increase it to 2 hours; on day five go to 2 1/2 hours; on day six increase it to 3 hours; and the seventh day to 4 hours. On the outdoor trip stay out for at least 10 minutes. When your puppy relieves himself praise him. If he wants to go back inside distract him and give him his full 10 minutes. If he doesn’t relieve himself during the “potty break”, put him back in his crate until the next break.

4. While in the house if you catch your dog in the act of urinating or defecating issue a sharp “No!” and immediately take him outside. Don’t yell at your puppy; a firm “No!” is sufficient. If you find an “accident” don’t correct your dog; it’s already too late. Clean it up and be sure to use a pet deodorizer, that way your Beagle pup won’t smell his waste and be stimulated to go in that spot again.

5. If it is unavoidable to miss a scheduled “potty break”, put your puppy in a bathroom or other small room that can be closed off until your return. Put down newspapers or puppy pads so you can easily clean any possible mess. Be sure to clean and deodorize the soiled area.

6. Beagle puppies younger than 16 weeks old often can’t go all night without a break. If he wakes up during the night take him out.

7. The goal is to train your dog not to leave waste in his den and to a puppy your home is too big to seem den-like. Limit his access to your home and keep him tethered to you when he’s not in his crate. During the training period it’s a good idea to restrict him to only a couple of rooms in your home and always keep him in your sight.

Be sure to learn the difference between having an accident and nervous urinating. Understanding this behavior is extremely important, because correcting a nervous urinator will make the problem worse. If your Beagle urinates in front of you or a visitor, especially upon greeting him, then you have a nervous urinator. This phenomenon is a sign of insecurity and may be a result of over correction, heredity, or even trauma. Urinating in front of the Alpha dog pack leader (in this case you) is normal behavior for dogs.

We all get frustrated with our pets from time to time and it’s not uncommon for a new Beagle owner to yell at his dog. This is a bad behavior on the owner’s part and needs to stop. It may seem counter intuitive but the way to stop the nervous urination is to stop correcting your dog. If he urinates when he greets you, change your behavior to stop the big homecoming scene. Ignore him when you enter the house, walk past him and go directly to the kitchen to give him a treat. When guests arrive distract hour dog in the kitchen with a treat. With time and the following of these guidelines the piddling should stop. Don’t worry, you won’t have to ignore and distract your dog forever. As you continue to bond with your dog the nervous urination will stop.

Some male Beagles will choose to lift their leg on every piece of furniture in your house to mark his territory. Here are a couple tips on how to stop this behavior: Neuter your male Beagle; this often eliminates the need to mark territory. If neutering doesn’t stop the behavior (or you haven’t neutered your Beagle for breeding purposes), try limiting his access. Keep him tethered and in your sight so that you can catch him in the act to give a correction. If you catch him hiking his leg, give him a stern “No!” and put him in his crate for an hour. When his time out is over take him outside and praise him when he urinates there.

If your Beagle seemed to have been housebroken for some time but begins to start slipping, a trip to the vet is probably in order. Dogs that start relieving themselves in the house after years of being housebroken most likely are ill.

Most experts recommend you train your Beagle to go outside from the time you bring him home. In the old days the recommendation was to paper train your dog first but this proved to just delay the housebreaking process. Regardless, there are some situations in which paper training may be necessary. One that I have already mentioned is when you absolutely can’t get home during the day to tend to your puppy. Another is when you have a senior Beagle. Your senior Beagle may have a more difficult time “holding it” as he gets older. In the case of a senior dog that is losing bladder control, you may want to try paper training.

Whatever your reason, if you decide to paper train, choose a room that your dog would not normally be in, like a bathroom. Cover the floor with a thick stack of newspapers or puppy training pads. Every few days you can cut down on the amount of newspapers or pads as he learns which spot to go in but be sure to have enough to capture all of the moisture.

About the Author: Clayton James is a long time Beagle enthusiast and is well known in the Beagle training community. He is the founder of

To get his FREE report: “How To Become The Alpha Dog” go to


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Posted in Dogs

Submitted by: Krista Cantrell

Puppy potty training is a full-time job…

The good news is it only lasts for a few weeks and has great benefits!

In exchange for your time, energy, and attention you can have a perfectly house trained dog for 10+ years.

…It doesnt get any better than that.

The truth is


gets frustrated when training their puppy… because no one has the kind of time that allows them to focus on the needs of their puppy 24 hours a day.

…so before you throw the puppy out with the poop, check out these solutions to your dog toilet training problems.

Problem #1 Not enough time to spend with the dog.

Okay, so whats really important here is to stop beating yourself up and ask for help.

The solution is

friends, neighbors, and family members like to help each other out.

And if there is absolutely no one that you know, hire a pet sitter. Or, send your puppy to a dog trainer who specializes in house training.

Also, try to alter your schedule. If you live close to home, maybe you can come home at lunch to let your puppy outside.

If you work farther away from home, maybe you can take a longer lunch hour if you arrive at work earlier.

Try to create some flexibility in your schedule because house training does not last forever.

Because if you start your puppy right with good follow up, your puppy will never do it wrong!

(And if you dont have time to train it right the first time, you really wont have the time to fix a bad habit.)

Problem #2 Yell or scream at the dog.

The reality is its hard to be positive all the time. Maybe your day didnt go well. You tripped on the curb and sprained your ankle, or you got a last-minute assignment from the director, or the oil light went on in your car.


You come home from working all day or a trip to the store and see poop or tinkle on the floor, its just one more thing to add to a bad day…

So, you yell at the dog.

But your timing is way off… The dog pooped or tinkled on the floor a long time ago and does not connect your yelling to the pile of poop on the floor.

The dog just knows you were really crabby when you walked in the door!

The solution is

what do you do when you want to scream?

So scream…but dont yell at the dog.

Instead, walk into your bedroom, turn on the television or radio to loud, close the door, and yell into a pillow or at a wall. Or, sing your anthem of dissatisfaction at the top of your voice. Or, call a friend and ask them for two minutes venting time.

Then, stop.

Quietly return and clean up the mess and promise yourself that youll figure out why the dog pooped on the carpet and give the dog the opportunity to make a different decision (i.e. put in a doggy door, ask someone to take the dog for a potty break in the middle of the day.)

Problem #3. Rub the dogs nose in the pile.

People rub a dogs nose in a pile of poop because they think the puppy will be totally disgusted and revolted… And the dog and will never poop inside the house again.

But theres no dog logic to that idea.

Why would rubbing a dogs nose in anything create a response?

I mean, dogs sniff poop piles all the time (it can actually trigger a pooping response.)

When you rub a dogs nose in the poop, the dog just knows that you want him to see the poop up close and personal.

The problem is that it doesnt stop the behavior.

And it can cause behaviors you dont want such as the puppy starts hiding from you or running away from your hands.

It’s simple. The dog has been given too much freedom before the dog understands the house rules.

The solution is

that its time to go back to the basics of routine bathroom breaks, regular eating times, and crate training.

Problem #4. Hit the dog.

People hit dogs because they believe that if they hit the dog the problem will stop.

The problem is hitting doesnt work.

Hitting does not teach the dog what to do.

If you drag a dog over to a puddle on the floor and hit her with your hand, what does the dog learn?

1. To be afraid of your hands

2. To run away when you grab her collar

3. To hide when you call her name

4. To submissively pee when you grab her collar

The solution is

to add other tools to your toolbox.

For example, if you see your dog tinkling on the floor, dont hit the dog!

Instead, say Outside! in a low voice and take the dog outside to go to the bathroom.

Then, when you are outside in a pleasant happy voice say Go potty. Go potty.

When the dog potties reward him.

Now you are teaching the dog the behavior you want tinkle or poop outside and associating it with a reward.

Problem #5. Keep the dog outside all day.

When dogs live outside all the time, they still dont know what to do when they come inside the house.

Its important not to give the dog total freedom in the house until the dog understands that tinkling and pooping only happens outside.

The solution is

to teach the dog the house rules.

…which means its back to basics again, i.e. establish a routine, use a word signal, and reward the dog for going outside.

Because its not realistic to think that you can watch your puppy at all times, use a waist-leash (tie a leash around your waist and attach it to the puppys collar.)

Now you can still do the things you need to do, but at the same time when you see the puppy start to sniff or circle, you can quickly take the puppy outside to tinkle or poop.

Solving puppy potty training problems is not difficult.

All it requires is that you understand that dogs have to learn new behaviors.

…After all in nature it doesnt matter where dogs pee or poop!



can give them the information and training the dog needs, but it has to be done in a way that makes sense to the dog.

…And thats by associating a behavior (pee or poop) with a word signal (Go Potty!) and a reward. Then it’s easy to solve puppy potty training problems.

About the Author: You can have a completely house trained dog! Do you want to learn how? Visit

and learn how you can live in the Land Of The Obedient Dog! Check out

How To Teach Dog To Ring A Bell To Go Outside.

Read article

Puppy Potty Training: Why Dogs Potty AFTER You Come InsidSource:

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Posted in Dogs