Submitted by: Penny Rivers

There are a number of options for hardwood flooring in Wichita. Understanding all of them will help you choose a better looking floor for your home.

There are so many different looks for your home besides carpet. Wichita flooring companies can introduce you to the world of hardwoods that will give you a natural and elegant look throughout your home. Regardless of your budget, you can enjoy this sophisticated flooring without spending a fortune.

One of the reasons you probably don’t want all your rooms to have carpet in Wichita is because it’s hard to keep clean. With carpet, the moment someone steps in with mud on the bottom of their shoes, you will have to clean it immediately or risk a permanent stain. With hardwood floors, a mop will easily take care of the mess. This means that your home can look cleaner throughout the year.

When you look at hardwood flooring, Wichita professionals will work with you to find the right solution for your budget as well as find the look to match your tastes. You can go with hardwoods, engineered floors, laminate or even parquet flooring.


Typically, hardwood flooring in Wichita is the most expensive type of wooden flooring. The only thing slightly more expensive is the parquet flooring, which uses wooden tiles comprised of various different types of wood to create mosaics and geometric designs. This will give your floors a very unique look. With any of the hardwood floors, you can choose light or dark and find various woods, ranging from birch to mahogany.

If you can’t afford hardwood flooring, Wichita companies have other options for you. Engineered floors are gaining in popularity because they look and feel like hardwood but are less expensive. The trick is that only a thin layer of hardwood, usually around ? to ? inch is used on the surface to provide the look of hardwoods. Then below the hardwood layer, plywood is installed facing the opposite direction. These floors are stronger and less expensive because the entire floor isn’t made of the hardwood.

Even if you’re having a problem with justifying the costs of engineered floors, you can still get the look of hardwoods in Wichita. Laminate flooring is very affordable because it uses a product called melamine that has photographic images of hardwood grain inlaid on the surface. It can be cleaned just as easily and looks virtually the same as hardwoods.

Wichita laminate flooring is one of the hottest trends in flooring right now because it is so affordable and looks just like hardwood. People are using it in their homes, offices and even restaurants are installing it. It can even be installed like hardwood. The planks will go vertical, horizontal or on the diagonal to create a unique look in your home.

After you shop around for the best prices for flooring in Wichita, laminate flooring or hardwood flooring can be installed by professionals. This way you don’t have to do any of the work and you can get a great looking design throughout your home. It’s important to consider how you want it installed because the floor will be in place for a very long time to come.

Correct installation is also important because you want to make sure the transition to other rooms is done properly. If you have carpet, Wichita flooring installers will make sure there are no gaps or overhang so your home looks great from room to room.

Since there are so many options for hardwood flooring in your home, you really need to look at all options before making any decisions. This will ensure you are happy with your new floors for years to come!

About the Author: Find out more about hardwood flooring Wichita. Get more information on Wichita laminate flooring and carpet Wichita. Visit us:



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Posted in Timber

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson in 1988Image: Alan Light.

The death of Michael Jackson on Thursday has caused retail demand for his songs and for memorabilia to increase.

Yesterday, the top nine selling items at Apple’s iTunes Store were albums by Jackson, with first and second being a “hits” album and the 1982 album Thriller. similarly reported selling more Jackson merchandise in the 24 hours following his death than it had sold in the preceding 11 years, and that sales of Jackson CDs accounted for 60% of its total business on Thursday. Yesterday morning the top seller in the album chart for Amazon’s U.K. division was Off the Wall, followed by Bad and Thriller in second and third places, respectively.

Many stores, including Graywhale CD Exchange in Salt Lake City, several record stores in Danville, Virginia, and many retailers in New Zealand, have all reported selling out of Jackson’s CDs and DVDs. The flagship store of Tower Records Japan, in Shinjuku, sold out of several of Jackson’s DVDs and ran low on several other items including CDs. The Danville Register Bee recommended to its readers that if they had record players they should investigate antique and charity shops, after one antique shop reported discovering three Jackson Five vinyl albums in its basement.

The effect of the increase in sales had an effect on stock prices. Midday yesterday, Apple shares rose around 2%, Amazon shares rose around 1.3%, and eBay shares rose by 0.64%. Stock market analysts predict that this will be a short-term effect, however. Scott Fullman, an investment strategist at WJB Capital Group in New York, stated “This is going to be one of these events that will have an immediate impact and then wane out in a week or two.”.

In Las Vegas, 21 items of Jackson memorabilia, including handwritten lyrics for Jackson’s song “Bad” and the shirt that Jackson wore on his Victory Tour in 1984, sold at auction yesterday at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino for a total of USD$205,000, with the shirt, at USD$52,500 the most expensive individual item.

eBay has reported an increase in individuals auctioning Jackson memorabilia. These range from records to a Fedora hat signed by Jackson.

Also for sale on eBay and elsewhere are tickets to the This Is It concerts, at the O2 arena, where Jackson had been scheduled to perform. Ticket sellers such as Ticketmaster, Seatwave, and AEG Live have announced that they will be refunding concert tickets. But under standard contract law such refunds only apply to the original purchasor of the ticket, who dealt with the ticket companies directly. Anyone buying a ticket on eBay only has recourse against the seller on eBay that they bought from, and even then only if it was explicitly stated in the terms and conditions of the particular eBay sale that a refund was available.

At the 2009 Glastonbury Festival, stalls have been selling commemorative T-shirts to Festival attendees, with various different slogans including “Michael Jackson R.I.P 1958–2009” and “I was at Glasto 09 when Jacko died”. T-shirt vendors also appeared outside of the UCLA Medical Center where paramedics took Jackson, proferring for USD$10 T-shirts with the slogan “in loving memory of Michael Jackson” and a silhouette of Jackson, although they had few takers.

In Union Square in New York, one street artist was selling hand-made buttons that have pictures of Jackson’s album covers on them. In Times Square, another T-shirt vendor was selling T-shirts printed with copies of the front page of USA Today that reported Jackson’s death.

One observer, Allison Southwick (a Better Business Bureau spokeswoman), commented “I’m honestly expecting to see a Web site pop up by the end of the day selling Michael Jackson commemorative plates.” Whilst such commemorative plates have yet to appear, collectors have been offering commemorative stamps of Jackson for sale on eBay and elsewhere. Several commemorative stamps of Jackson already exist. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines issued $5, $2, $1, and 60¢ Michael Jackson stamps in 1985, as part of its Leaders Of The World series. Tanzania issued a 350s stamp, part of a Famous Black Entertainers set, in 1990. Guinea issued a 500f stamp in 1991. St Vincent issued another $2 Jackson stamp in 1991, as part of Famous Entertainers series. And Grenada issued a 60¢ Jackson stamp, part of its Gold Record Winners series in 1992.

Elvis Presley in 1970Image: Public Domain.

Gore Vidal once remarked of the death of rival Truman Capote that it was a “good career move”. The death of an artist does serve to increase the popularity of their works. People have speculated whether this will be a temporary or a permanent thing for Jackson.

Jim Lentz, who is the Chief Operating Officer of American Royal Arts (a memorabilia dealership in Boca Raton), asked “Is he Elvis or Marilyn Monroe, or is he Mike Tyson?”.

Elvis Presley died at 42, officially of heart failure. Stores sold out of his records and souveniers within hours of the news of his death. In the 20 years following his death, RCA Records sold approximately 400 million of his recordings.

In the days and weeks immediately following Presley’s death, RCA had to sub-contract pressing to other companies, as it was unable by itself to keep up with demand. Sony Corporation announced yesterday that it had received “unprecedented” levels of orders for CDs of Jackson’s music, and was considering boosting production. It had received 150,000 orders for CDs at its music unit in Tokyo. “The amount is unprecedented for one day and we think we need to consider increasing the production of CDs that we plan to sell from July.” said a spokesman for the company. Amazon has been informing customers buying Jackson CDs that they might have to wait between 1 and 3 weeks for their orders to be shipped.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wen Jiabao at the opening of a World Economic Forum meeting last month.

In a rare one-on-one interview with the editor in chief of the journal Science Magazine published online on Friday, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, acknowledged that although companies were to blame, the government was also partially responsible in the recent melamine contamination of milk and infant formula from China.

“We feel that although problems occurred at the company, the government also has a responsibility,” said the Premier. He added that testing requirements should be installed for all important steps in the production process, and that all food should meet international standards. Responsibility for food safety implementations will lie with the Chinese Ministry of Health.

We feel great sorrow about the milk incident. … I once again solemnly emphasize that it is absolutely impermissible to sacrifice people’s lives and health in exchange for temporary economic development.

The two-hour conversation between chief editor Bruce Alberts and Premier Wen already took place on September 30th. A Chinese version of the interview was published in the communist party newspaper People’s Daily.

Earlier this week, batches of an injectable herbal medication based on ginseng were recalled after three people died. Wandashan Pharmaceutical all of its injectable herbal remedies. On Saturday, Taiwan suspended imports of a leavening agent used in baking because it tested positive for melamine.

In the milk incident, melamine was added to make the milk appear richer in protein. It caused an estimated 53,000 to become ill, mostly young children. The chemical can cause kidney stones and kidney failure.

However, the issues of China’s food industry are only mentioned tangentially. The Premier spoke about social, economic and scientific issues facing his country. Wen explained his “scientific outlook on development”, which tries to found social and economic progress for the people, in a sustainable fashion and with decreased disparities, on a scientific basis. An example is the use of transgenic crops in rural areas, which decreases the need for pesticides.

On the matter of fossil fuels, the Premier explained how “every year, China produces about 180 million tons of crude oil and imports about 170 million tons. China’s dependency on foreign oil is almost 50%. China’s coal production exceeds 2.5 billion tons a year. This kind of huge consumption of energy, especially non-renewable fossil fuel, will not be sustainable.” He reiterated China’s belief in the “common but differentiated responsibility” principle, in agreement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol.

At the end of the interview, the Premier agreed that the scientific communities could build bridges between countries, even if their governments disagreed. “More scientific language and less diplomatic rhetoric could make thisworld even better,” he concluded.

The 66-year-old engineer specialised in geomechanics began his second 5-year term as head of the cabinet last March. During his office, China witnessed highlights like the Olympics in Beijing and the recent Shenzhou 7 space launch, but also international criticism, for example on the situation in Tibet.

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The Squeeze: Building Homes on Narrow Blocks


Nellie Daniels

It’s been called the squeeze. For a whole host of reasons, the width of new home blocks has been getting narrower. Whilst sixteen metre blocks and wider are still commonly available, they often command a price premium, and there are fewer of them. What has caused the change? In simple terms, a combination of economics and government intervention.


As land prices have soared, thanks to a scarcity of good quality land near major cities in all the states, so it has made perfect sense to reduce lot sizes to keep them affordable for first home buyers and others. But most significantly, Government at all levels needs developers to squeeze more homes onto their greenfield sites – to create “higher density” housing – both to make the layout of new suburbs more efficient, and to counteract “urban sprawl” that would take new suburbs too far away from city centres. For new home buyers, this has created a problem. Whether single or double storey, most home designs have traditionally been broader. So does a narrower block mean you have to compromise on your new home? Not any more. The designers in major builders have put their thinking caps on, and now there is a plethora of display homes for you to inspect on fourteen metre wide blocks, and even thinner. Yet when you go into these homes they seem just as spacious and light-filled as anyone could want? How has this apparent miracle been achieved? In one sense, the answer is obvious. Narrower homes have become a little “longer”, so that home owners still get the space they need. This has inevitably produced a compromise. Rear garden sizes have become proportionately smaller to compensate, and homes are often now sited as close to the front of a block as developer guidelines and council laws allow. In simple terms, gardens have shrunk, and homes have grown. One smart thing to do is to choose a design that suits you, scout out a typical lot, and ask the home builder to show you how that home would look on that very lot. They should have computer software that allows them to position the home on the block for you, and show it to you in 3D, and this service should be free – they want to sell you a home, after all. Internally, walls get moved around to maximise both flow through the home and a sense of space, and cleverer storage systems to reduce the amount of space allocated to cupboards. Expect to see central kitchen benches with cupboards underneath them now, and even stool seating for informal dining, and in bedrooms, note how walk-in robes are increasingly positioned out of the way behind the bed. Today’s homes are all about smart use of space. Narrow definitely does not need to mean cramped. Just visit some displays, and see for yourself.

Metricon is a leading Australian

home builder

with a range of

new homes in Adelaide

available in 2011.

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Posted in Granny Flat Builder

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cape Wrath from the sea in 2007 Image: Colin Wheatley.

A Scottish woman who set out before Christmas to purchase a turkey finally made it home on Monday, after being cut off by snow for a month. Kay Ure left the Lighthouse Keeper’s cottage on Cape Wrath, at the very northwest tip of Great Britain, in December. She was heading to Inverness on a shopping trip.

However on her return journey heavy snow and ice prevented her husband, John, from travelling the last 11 miles to pick her up. She was forced to wait a month in a friend’s caravan, before the weather improved and the couple could finally be reunited.

They were separated not just for Christmas and New Year, but also for Mr Ure’s 58th birthday. With no fresh supplies, he was reduced to celebrating with a tin of baked beans. He also ran out of coal, and had to feed the couple’s six springer spaniels on emergency army rations.

“It’s the first time we’ve been separated”, said Mr Ure in December. “We’ve been snowed in here for three weeks before, so we are well used to it and it’s quite nice to get a bit of peace and quiet.”

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Satellite photograph of Baghdad from 1996.Image: NASA.

Peter Moore, a British IT consultant and computer programmer who was taken hostage by Iraqi militants during a May 2007 militant raid on the finance ministry in Baghdad, has been released alive and in good health.

He is the only known survivor of a group of five hostages, consisting of himself, three bodyguards, and Alan McMenemy, a security guard from Glasgow. The bodyguards (Alec Maclachlan, Jason Swindlehurst, and Jason Creswell) were later shot and killed, and their bodies have been returned to Britain. McMenemy is believed to have met the same fate. The last time Moore was known to be alive was when a DVD showing him was handed to Iraqi authorities earlier this year.

The five men were captured by a group of approximately forty men disguised as Iraqi policemen in May 2007, who are believed to belong to the Islamic Shia Resistance, an obscure militant organisation also known as the Righteous League. Moore is now in the British Embassy in Baghdad, and is to be reunited with his family as soon as possible, according to Milliband.

United Kingdom foreign secretary David Milliband said that he was “absolutely delighted at his release” after two and a half years of “misery, fear and uncertainty”. He claimed to be in a “remarkable frame of mind” after a “very moving” conversation with Moore. He also asked for the release of McMenemy’s body. He said that no “substantive concessions” had been made by the British government, instead praising Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for his government’s process of reconciliation.

remember the families of British hostages who have been killed in Iraq and elsewhere

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a statement in which he said he was “hugely relieved by the wonderful news that Peter has been freed”, calling for the British people to “remember the families of British hostages who have been killed in Iraq and elsewhere.” He continued with a pledge that the government would “continue to do everything [it] can to bring British hostages back to their loved ones, including the remaining hostage of the group in Iraq, Alan McMenemy”. He said, “I demand that the hostage takers return him to us.”

Moore’s father, Graeme, said he was “over the moon” about his son’s release, saying, “We are so relieved and we just want to get him home, back now to his family and friends. I’m breaking down, I’m just so overjoyed for the lad. It’s been such a long haul. I know that there have been one or two people working in the background to get Peter released. Peter is a very resilient lad and he always has been because of his background.” He said the British Foreign Office had been “obstructive” with regards to his son’s release.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The Delhi Police used lathi(baton)-charges to disrupt striking traders when they gathered in large numbers and attempted to block traffic on the city’s streets on Wednesday morning. The 2-day old strike, protesting a Supreme Court order to seal unauthorised commercial establishments in the city, turned to a more violent note with protestors stranded several buses by puncturing their tyres.

The Supreme Court’s Monitoring committee sent a notice to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) on Tuesday to resume the sealing of unauthorised shops from November 2. Initially, the sealing drive was to resume on November 1.

Private medical practitioners also joined the protest on its final day, which affected health services in the city. The traders threatened to extend their strike if MCD resumes its sealing drive.

The first two days of the strike went peacefully without having any serious violence. Traders were expecting the government to meet their demands. They met Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit to resolve this dispute.

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For most people, making sure they stay looking their best is a top priority. There are a number of ways to enhance the way you look, but none is more effective than having a new wardrobe. With all of the different options out there in the world of clothes, finding the right ones for your tastes will take some time and effort. The best way to get the customized looking you want is by getting original Screen Printing Richmond VA done for your shirts. The following are a few of the reasons why you need to use this customized process for your wardrobe.

Not That Expensive

One of the main benefits that come with using this customized process is that it will allow you to get the clothing you want without spending a lot of money. You want to make sure you find the right professionals in your area for the job. By calling around, you will be able to find the best price and the best quality services in your area. The last thing you want is to choose a company without researching them first due to the lackluster results if can bring.

Get Your Clothes Fast

Another benefit you can gain by using these types of services is the fast turnaround you will be able to get. In most cases, you can have the items you need to be printed done in a few days, which will allow you to get your clothes back quickly. Make sure you speak with the supplier you are using to figure out what type of time frame you are looking at. The more you are able to find out about this process and when it can be done, the easier you will find it to choose the right company.

Fully Customizable

Yet another benefit that comes with using this method of clothes print is that it will allow you to completely customize the look of your clothing. For most people, being able to get their clothing just the way they like it is a top concern. You need to work on trying to find the right designs for your clothing that are both representative of your style. The time you spend finding the right clothing style will be well worth in when you are able to get the original and unique look you are looking for.

If in the market for quality Screen Printing in Richmond VA, be sure to call on the team at Image Designers Inc.

Posted in Home Renovation Solutions

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2009. Image: Matthew G. Bisanz.

The Supreme Court of Canadan on February 17 dismissed 8-0 an appeal by ex-corporal Colin McGregor arguing the investigation that led to his 2019 conviction for sexual assault violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms’ demands for reasonable search and seizure.

Its unanimous judgment ends McGregor’s multi-year court battle with successively higher bodies by describing the police’s investigation of his US home “reasonable pursuant to Charter standards.”

On September 30, 2019, McGregor was found guilty of two counts of voyeurism, one count of possession of a device for surreptitious interception of private communications, one count of sexual assault and one count of disgraceful conduct for incidents that took place between 2011 and 2017.

That Thursday, he was sentenced by a military judge at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt in British Columbia to three years in prison and another twenty years on the sex offender registry, and was ‘dismissed with disgrace’ from the Armed Forces.

After last Friday’s ruling, his sentence will continue in full. Moreover, after his release, he will be barred from future employment with the Canadian government.

From August 2015 to March 2017, McGregor was posted to the Canadian Defence Liaison Staff at Canada’s US embassy, which automatically gave him diplomatic immunity.

In January 2017, another member of the Canadian Armed Forces, also in Washington, D.C., found two audio recording devices in her home. Believing McGregor was responsible, she reported him to her senior officer, and to investigate, the Embassy waived McGregor’s diplomatic immunity at the request of the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS).

On February 16, 2017, CFNIS agents and local Virginia police executed a search warrant at the then-corporal’s staff quarters in Alexandria, seizing computers, CDs, storage devices and five hidden cameras.

Forensic analysis showed a 2011 video of McGregor groping an unconscious woman in Victoria and recordings from inside McGregor’s home of a woman using the restroom and a video of cartoon characters appearing aged under eighteen engaging in sex acts; a child pornography charge for the latter was later dropped.

The woman videoed later told the Esquimalt court she believed it was taken on a night when she invited McGregor over for drinks and video games. She reported blacking out and awakening to find him sexually touching her.

McGregor had sought to have the videos and images excluded from evidence, arguing the search violated Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that protects Canadians from “unreasonable search or seizure.”

The move and a subsequent appeal were rejected, with the Court Martial Appeal Court holding the Charter did not apply outside Canada and, notwithstanding, the search was permissible.

The Supreme Court on February 7, 2010. Image: D. Gordon E. Robertson.

His latest appeal to Canada’s top court argued the search violated the Charter by inviting a re-evaluation of the controversial 2007 ruling R v Hape, that presently governs extraterritoriality. His counsel Diana Mansour told the court on May 19, 2022 military personnel “ought to have their Charter rights guaranteed when investigated by Canadian military police for Canadian criminal offences.

“The portability of the military justice system allows Canadian criminal law to apply to our military members when they are serving anywhere in the world and with it, so should the Charter apply.”

Patrice Germain, counsel for the Crown respondent, argued that Section 8 “did not apply to the search of the appellant [McGregor’s] residence in the United States, because Virginia state law, under which it was conducted, is not within the authority of Parliament or a provincial legislature.”

Justice Suzanne Côté, writing for the majority, said the warrant the CFNIS obtained and executed under Virginia law authorized the search, seizure and analysis of McGregor’s electronic devices: “A search is reasonable within the meaning of [Section 8] of the Charter if it is authorized by law, if the law itself is reasonable and if the manner in which the search was carried out is reasonable.”

As well as “authorized by law”, the court also found the search was not “more intrusive than necessary”, Côté writing: “It is difficult to see how the CFNIS investigators could have acted differently to attain their legitimate investigative objectives.

“Simply put, I would dismiss the appeal even if I were to accept Cpl. McGregor’s argument that the Charter applies extraterritorially in the present context.”

In fact, the Court left the Charter’s scope ambiguous, explaining: “I [Côté, representing four judges’ opinions and her own] find it unnecessary to deal with the issue of extraterritoriality to dispose of this appeal [because] the CFNIS did not violate the Charter” to begin with.

After the ruling, Mansour said: “We accept the court’s decision which leaves open the opportunity for another matter to address the legal issue of the extraterritorial application of the Charter in the Canadian military context.”

In an email to Law360 Canada, co-counsels for the Crown Chavi Walsh, Natasha Thiessen and Patrice Germain said the CFNIS investigation was “a textbook case of successful international law enforcement cooperation, which respected the rights of the accused and complied with Canada’s international legal obligations.

“This case demonstrates that the Canadian Armed Forces can maintain crucial military discipline by effectively investigating and prosecuting crimes, including those of sexual violence, anywhere the CAF operates.”

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ford Motor Company said on Tuesday that its sales in the United States rose 43% in February compared to the same period last year, as the automaker outsold rivals Toyota and General Motors.

The strength of our new products … are resonating with customers

Ford said that total sales improved to 142,285 units, compared to 141,951 units sold by GM. Additionally, Ford said that its share of the total US car market rose to 17%, up from 14% a year ago. The increase was better than analysts had predicted, and Ford’s stock rose to a five-year high in morning trading, before declining later in the day. Ford’s sales were significantly influenced by a 74% increase in fleet sales to businesses. Rental car agencies alone accounted for around 30,000 units sold. Sales to retail consumers increased only 28%.

The increases were led by sales of two sedans, the Fusion and Taurus, which rose 166.5 and 93.3% respectively, although sales of other models such as SUVs and pickup trucks also increased. Both models were significantly redesigned last year, and analysts said that improved quality from such cars were driving the increases.

Other companies also reported February sales today, nearly all reporting sales gains as well, although none as large as those of Ford. Toyota was the sole exception to the sales gains, as their sales declined 8.7%, as the company was faced with a global recall during the month that led to a temporary stoppage of production for some models.

“The strength of our new products … are resonating with customers,” said Ken Czubay, Ford’s vice president of sales and marketing. However, he believed that traditional Toyota customers were not buying rival autos, but rather awaiting the results from the recalls.

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