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Submitted by: Maria Mincey
The different PHP frameworks collectively make PHP tick as they come with several mutually-shared advanced features, and combine them with their own distinct capabilities. They stay affectionately true to the technology and give the users ample reasons to embrace technology in all its new forms.
Arguably the most popular server side scripting language used for developing web applications, PHP has powered technology masters to come up with innovations unfathomed a decade ago or so. This technology gives ample room for unprecedented leverage of imagination and knowledge. The applications developed using PHP exemplify high end functionality and sophisticated utilization.
Now, there are several PHP frameworks, with each having its own space in the development market. These frameworks collectively make PHP tick as they come with several mutually shared advanced features, and combine them with their own distinct capabilities. They stay affectionately true to the technology and give the users ample reasons to embrace technology in all its new forms. The most popular PHP frameworks include:
Cake PHP
An extremely easy platform to install, Cake ranks among the very best offerings of PHP. It is an amalgamation of some new age tools and the conventional PHP attributes that have made it what it is on this date. With a highly intuitive and resourceful Model View Control to enhance its usability, Cake allows easy customization and seamless prototype building. It is also a sort of modular framework which does not demand exclusive programmers all the time. Folks with average programming skills can also code in Cake PHP and come up with darn good apps.
Smarty PHP
Smarty PHP or Smarty Template Engine stays true to its name by staying smart. It is a highly intuitive framework that leans towards user friendliness. It does not take you to a mind trip if you wish to understand the code structure. So, the average programmers who wish to create not so emphatic applications find it harmonizing to work with. On the other hand, it gives a free rein to the advanced programmers who want to boil their product with everything that the technology has to offer. The interface is made such that it keeps everything abstract and hides the intricate details from the user. The whole bevy of extensions further help you create heady applications without going all out while writing codes.
Another popular PHP framework, Zend is a framework that lets you personalize applications the way you want. You create state of the art applications applying radical thought process. For those with a clear cut idea of what they want and how they want it, Zend proves to be an amicable partner as it gives them absolute freedom to go flat out creative. It also takes all the security concerns in its stride and makes it an extremely galling task for hackers to break into the application security algorithms.
Symfony works in total symphony with the developer and his/her ambitions. For those looking to create cutting-edge applications that offer unequivocal benefits, Symfony is the go-to PHP framework. The extensive libraries and extensions make innovation a breeze.
Hire PHP programmers who can carefully evaluate your business requirements and measure them against the distinct features that each framework offers. PHP development outsourcing is an alternative that reaps equally good at times, better benefits.
About the Author: Maria is a qualified PHP Development Outsourcing professional who is great at delivering focus in her writings. She works for the software giant, Xicom Technologies.Here are some of my published articles:-
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