Do Not Be Afraid. Its just a Root Canal.
Arthur Kezian
Pain from toothaches is such an awful thing. Even the manliest of men wilt and curl up when they have a toothache. One of the most feared dental procedures up to now is a root canal. But try to keep in mind that this is not going to solve your toothache dilemma if you keep being pessimistic about it. Remember that the key to a positive experience is choosing the right professional to perform a root canal procedure for you.
A painful root canal in Los Angeles is such a thing of the past. Endodontists or root canal professionals have intricately perfected this procedure and science and technology has gone a long way to be able to give you the utmost comfort when having this type of procedure. Go to your dentist immediately and dont just take pain relievers because it wont disappear unless you get to the problem.
Here are some indications if you need a root canal:
Spontaneous throbbing or pain is felt while biting and can usually last for minutes
Sensitivity to both hot and cold food and beverages
Severe decayed teeth or an abscess in the area of bone
How is a Los Angeles root canal treatment done?
1.The dentist takes a radiograph, diagnoses the patient and advises them by giving options for treatment either root canal or tooth extraction for worse case scenarios.
2.The tooth is then isolated with a rubber dam, this is a type of rubber sheet fitted with dental clamps around the tooth which is being treated. The aim of isolating the tooth is to ease access and to prevent the tooth from being exposed to fluids coming from the saliva.
3.The dentist will access the tooth or prepare the cavity up to the pulp chamber. A proper outline form is done depending on what tooth is intended to be treated.
4.After preparing a hole or accessing the pulp chamber, endodontic files are inserted up to the root area. Nerve broaches are also used to eliminate the pulp.
5.The endodontic or root canal files are used to clean the tooth. This would not be a one seating procedure. Sometimes depending on the extent of the infection, it may take a couple more visits.
6.There are 2 ways to finish the root canal treatment. Either the dentist will choose to do everything else in a single visit or will try to seal the tooth with a temporary filling material to soothe the pain and eliminate infection. If the second one is chosen, you will have to come back after a week and complete the procedure.
7.Sometimes the dentist will use a medicine to soothe out the pain and prevent the spread of an infection.
8.Radiographs are taken in between steps.
9.If the dentist foresees that the tooth is bacteria and infection free, he will proceed to the final step.
10.The final step is what you call obturation or the final filling of the entire root canal. A material called Gutta percha is then placed up to the root portion and mixed together with a root canal sealer. A final restoration is then accompanied by either regular cement filling or crown placement depending on what will be suitable for the tooth.
Technology and advancements in an endodontists office, such as operating microscopes and digital radiographs, has dramatically improved overtime. The success and precision of every step of a Los Angeles root canal procedure is high. The goal for advancements in dental technology is to save teeth. Instead of leaving you toothless or having it pulled off, try to think that a root canal in Los Angeles treatment is now considered virtually painless.
Root Canal in Los Angeles dentist Dr. Arthur Kezian DDS describes techniques involving procedures of Root Canal in Los Angeles. http://www.drkezian.com/los-angeles-root-canal.php For more information, visit us at http://www.drkezian.com.
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