Evolution of Vacuum Cleaners
Vacuum cleaners have come a long way since they were firstly introduced in the household market. Central vacuum cleaners are based on the suction capability by sucking out air and thereby creating a vacuum to create a pressure difference and take up dirt from an area. This mechanism employed in vacuum cleaners has been the backbone and with the evolution, this central vacuum cleaner has come a long way both in design, accessories, and usage.
There was a time when vacuum cleaners became a necessity of every house in the world not because of the appliance it was but because of its utility and amazing cleaning capability. Vacuum cleaners as they were introduced were done with the accessory of vacuum bags. These were the bags which used to collect the dirt in the machine. Once the dirt inside the bag was filled to the brim, the user had to replace the bag. These bags were disposable and non- reusable. This required the user to have an additional bank of these Bosch vacuum bags and accessories
so that the cleaning process is not interrupted at any time.
Over the time, many stages of new vacuum bags were seen. Many companies came with their own design of vacuum bags. Some had large vacuum bags made of a canvas like material and similar to a golf club bag, the drawback with these bags were that they involved an additional expenditure of procuring new set of bags each time. And as the vacuum cleaner machine evolved so was the upgradation in the disposable vacuum bags and accessories which had to be found in the market with some difficulty thereafter.
Following, arrived vacuum cleaners without any vacuum bag. Such vacuum cleaners were said to be bag less vacuum cleaners. These vacuum cleaners replaced the entire procedure of separate bags. It had a central vacuum core for the collection of the dirt. This core was effectively attached to the cleaner and once it was full, it could be easily detached, emptied and attached again to the machine for reuse. This method reduced the expenditure of purchasing new vacuum bags each time and also made the job much easier and user friendly. Such vacuum cleaners with the central core are called the central vacuum cleaners.
As the vacuum bags became obsolete, the accessories were limited to the extension rods and other cleaning apparatus like brushes and snooze pipes. Vacuum bags and accessories related to it have now completely disappeared from the market and the other central vacuum cleaners have completely overpowered their business.
Another alteration that these vacuum cleaners have seen over the time was the power of cleaning. Earlier the cleaning was very limited to only small areas of the house like dust, ashes of the fireplace etc. but today the power of these Radionics central vacuum cleaners
have led to the cleaning of hard jobs like carpets, curtains, couch sutures, overhead unreachable closets etc.
Vacuum cleaners and accessories have indeed been nothing less than a revolution in the cleaning household industry.
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