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Have you ever played World of Warcraft? If so most probably you are facing the same game problems that I experienced three months ago. My problem was that I was lacking gold and was in dire need for it, especially for buying epics. To be honest I was not an expert in farming gold and so tried to seek for help from those playing World of Warcraft. These people like many others that I shared with in forums seemed to have the same problem like I had.
I was not able to live with the fact that I was harvesting only 15g per day or so … and in order to put my hands on the epic flying mount I had to react very quickly. After searching the internet I came across guides that claimed that you can make tons of gold. This made more eager to set my hands on a couple of guides. I bought some guides and although they provided useful information, I still did not make the amount of gold that I needed. Until quite accidently a friend of mine told me about The Warcraft Wealth Guide and how he managed to reap tons of gold!
I checked the website out and immediately I was hooked with a World of Warcraft screenshot showing more the 41,000g in the account. At first I was very skeptical, especially after I bought other guides, because the amount of gold seemed good to be true. I never saw that amount of gold in my entire life. Pushing on through the Warcraft Wealth article I came out to know that the person who created this guide was Wayne Williams, who convinced me that’s it worth to take a change, which eventually did.
Here is a brief description of what I found in the Ultimate Warcraft Wealth Guide.
Wow Basics: If you are a “noob” or “middle-level” player… definitely you should start with “Wow Basics”. Although, my main character was a level 70 Human Paladin, I was curious enough to read it. I was very surprised to discover grinding spots that I never knew that exist…and that was very helpful, because my second character is a level 15 Blood Elf Hunter.
Mining Maps Guide: This part is perfectly to use along with both the beginner and the advanced guides.
Auction House Videos: I thought that I was good at the Auction House but not until Wayne revealed me some things that literally multiplied my profits overnight. This section contains two videos. The first one shows you how to set secret add-ons for making more gold. The second video shows the author s route to make more than 100g in 30 minutes!
Warcraft Wealth – The Advanced Guide: I’ve been playing WoW for about three years now, and I’ve read all the stuff that I could get. All the other guides that I read never got close to this one. I regard it special because it showed some really cool gold-making secrets.
Overall, I’m more than satisfied with Wayne’s Ultimate Warcraft Wealth Guide and if you will find anywhere else something better… just let me know. But I think we would have to wait for many years to come to see this happen!! Want to make more gold in World of Warcraft!!
About the Author: Want more gold? Check out
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